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Lulu: What You Need to Know About the New Rate-A-Date App

What's Your Datability?
Lulu app lets women decide.

Your ex-girlfriends now have an app where they can rate your “dateability.” But don’t worry: It’s not as terrifying as you think.

Back in the day, you’d choose your college professors based on little more than the vibe you got from their last name. Then that whole ratemyprofessors.com thing came along and undergrads everywhere had a platform to review and rate teachers before committing to a grueling semester of unintelligible English or rampant halitosis. Now you can review just about anything online before you use it...

Can you see where this is going?

That’s right—women now have an app that allows them to rate men they’ve dated—or even just hooked up with once or twice.

It’s called Lulu, and it’s becoming the Yelp of bachelors, exposing a new generation of eligible gents to, basically, the same online scrutiny as Chinese takeout.

Even worse, women are actually using it! The app already has millions of users, including one out of every four college-age women.

“The idea was to recreate the girls’ brunch,” says app co-founder and possible black angel of death Alison Schwartz. (Just kidding. Sort of.) “Women come here to share because it feels powerful, exciting, and safe.”

The good news for guys is that if you’ve never heard of Lulu, you can be sure you’re not on it—men must voluntarily sign up by linking their Facebook page to the app. Lulu previously included guys’ names, faces, and ratings without their knowledge; but this year, due to backlash, it changed its policy so you have to consent and share your info to be included.

“So what’s the big deal?” you might ask. “I would never sign up!” Well, with clever promo language like “Girls can see and create reviews of guys who’ve signed up to get discovered by millions of girls” and “Once you sign up, you can watch your Lulu fan club grow,” Lulu has already lured more than a million male moths to its flame.

Here’s how it works: Women aren’t allowed to write just anything they want about a past fling on Lulu (easy to imagine how out of hand that could get). Instead they’re given a “quizlike” multiple choice form to fill out about the guy. Questions are divided into seven categories—manners, look and style, ambition, commitment, humor, kiss, and sex; users then also get to choose applicable “Best of Him” and “Worst of Him” hashtags like #epic smile on the plus side, or #wanderingeye on the minus.

Want to see where you’re rated (or, more diabolically, try to rate yourself)? Sorry, you can’t break into the app by acting like a chick. Lulu’s dedicated task force is on hand full-time to make sure only females can chime in.

“We have women answering our polls constantly,” says Schwartz. “It’s easy, breezy, fun, and frictionless for them.”

Hear that, you #meh #manchild with a #wanderingeye and #sketchycalllog? Easy, breezy fun!

Which Smartphone Dating App Should You Use? >>>

We Tried It: SportSetter

Tried It: SportSetter
How the app is changing the fitness game.
SportSetter app for fitness anytime

As Men's Fitness assistant editor and resident fitness guinea pig, I’m always up for trying new workout classes, so when I discovered SportSetter a few months ago, I was intrigued. After using the first version of the app and website, I realized SportSetter was undoubtedly unique because of the vast number of fitness studios the company had partnered up with to help users experience new workouts in New York City. SportSetter 2.0 has the same purpose, but this newer version boasts improved user-friendliness and graphics, and more fitness networks.

To get started with SportSetter, download the free app available in the Apple Store and sign up. You’ll get a free digital pass (worth $7.99) for signing up. Next, browse through the more than 250 activities, including everything from CrossFit to yoga to martial arts. Once you’ve picked what you'd like to try, activate the pass, go to your location, mention you’re using SportSetter, and enjoy the experience. Here’s a look at my own experience with the app. 

SportSetter app for fitness anytime

Indoor Rock Climbing at First Ascent Fitness

My first stop was First Ascent Fitness, a 30,000-square-foot indoor rock climbing and functional fitness facility. I mention I’m using a SportSetter pass and a few minutes later I'm upstairs in the gym section checking out the variety of kettlebells, Jungle Gym XT trainers, barbells, racks, wall balls, etc. A certified personal trainer led me through two rounds of an intense HIIT circuit and then we went downstairs to get climbing. Another expert, this one in climbing, taught me the basics and gave me free reign to try any wall I’d like. After experimenting with bouldering and harnessed climbing, I said my good-byes to this metropolitan gem and headed to my next SportSetter activity: whole body cryotherapy.

I arrived at KryoLife, a distributor of commercial and mobile whole-body cryotherapy units, ready to step into an open-topped cylinder that was about to engulf me with extremely cold air--we’re talking -256 degrees Fahrenheit cold. Widely studied for its possible hormonal, anti-inflammatory, and mental health benefits, cryotherapy is a 2-3 minute recovery session. Two minutes in, I was given the option to stop or continue for another minute and I opted to go the distance. During the treatment, I was relaxed and started rolling my shoulders to ease tension in my upper body. Immediately after, my legs felt noticeably lighter.

Overall, it was my curiosity that led me to embark on two things I had not done before. Having the freedom to try a place out a few times, get a feel for it, and decide to join for an extended time is a great feeling that SportSetter provides to its users. Whether the objective is to “check it out first,” fulfill a fitness goal out of curiosity, or find a new, quality training home, SportSetter puts you in control of where you work out.

When you download the SportSetter app and use code MFWORKOUT, your first class is free. We're also giving away over $1,000 worth of fitness classes and gear. Enter now for a chance to win a year's gym membership plus free fitness classes at a variety of unique gyms and training centers in New York City. 

Stuntman Nik Wallenda Will Walk On a Wire 50 Stories Above the Chicago River

Watch Your Step
Man to walk on a wire between Chicago skyscrapers.

You build core strength for balance, defined abs, and injury prevention.

Nik Wallenda builds core strength and balance so he won’t die. And to gift us with adrenaline-pumping terror while we watch him traverse a thin wire on live, multi-camera television.

The Ultimate Core Workout >>>

Wallenda, a member of the famous circus family the Flying Wallendas and the same stuntman who crossed the Grand Canyon on a wire in 2013, will bring his balance to the unfortunately named “Windy City” this Sunday, November 2. 

The first part of the stunt will take place between two skyscrapers 50 stories above the Chicago river. Wallenda will then don a blindfold and traverse between the Marina City towers, two iconic Chicago residential buildings.

The Discovery Channel, which will use an armada of cameras and helicopters to broadcast the event at 7 p.m. ET, has provided Men’s Fitness with an exclusive look at the production of the steel wire supporting Wallenda’s weight. 

The video's gist? The wire’s engineered not to snap. 

When we watch the stunt live, we hope Wallenda’s nerves are as well.

Take Advantage of a Fresh Start

Fresh Start Effect
Make a new year's resolution any time of year.

Behavioral science can explain the “New Year, New You!” cover lines splashed across magazines around January 1. It can explain why it’s harder to nab an open gym locker the first few weeks of the year. And when you take a closer look to know why our motivational drive jumps after the ball drops, it can also help you take advantage of the effect any time during the year.

While it’s long been known that gym membership and diet book sales skyrocket around New Year's, not until recently has the mechanism underlying this phenomenon been explored. It’s called the “Fresh Start Effect” and was coined by a group of behavioral scientists from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard who found Google searches for the term “diet,” gym visits, and commitments to pursue goals all increase following temporal landmarks (e.g., the start of a new week, month, year, or events like holidays and birthdays).

While at first blush this may seem like a case of, “uh, yeah, no kidding,” it’s actually pretty interesting and has serious implications for how we think about taking on challenging behavior changes.

5 Ways to Get Motivated >>>

In particular, the researchers write that these temporal milestones or checkpoints “act as the start of new mental accounting periods which help us to relegate past imperfections to a previous period and to take a big picture view of our lives, thus motivating aspirational behavior.”  In other words, “fresh starts” help us forget about how we didn't exercise last week/month/year, which gives us a clean slate. 

“In fresh start moments, people feel more distant from their past failures,” says Katy Milkman, one of the lead researchers in this work. With the downward pull of failures behind us, it's much easier to move forward. 

Just ask yourself: would you be more motivated to start a diet if the score is zero-to-zero, or if you are down by 10...as in 10 pounds gained during last month’s cruise?

How to Make the Fresh Start Effect Work for You

Strategically plan your most daunting tasks around fresh-starts. For example: 

>>>Plan on completing your hardest activity first thing in the morning (OK, maybe after coffee). Subtle as it may be, there is increased motivational power at the start of a new day. 

>>>If you need to reconcile with a friend or family member, try doing it on a Sunday night or Monday. You’ll both be more likely to forget about the big disagreement from last week.  

>>>On the edge about a new project at work? Try ramping up on the first of the month. You’ll probably have a higher motivation to get started than versus on a random Wednesday.

>>>And if you feel like you need a major overhaul in your routine (e.g., going vegan, switching from power-lifting to running, or finding a new job), harness the momentous energy brought about by the start of a new year to make the change.

10 Ways to Overcome Workout Laziness >>>

Warning: Be Careful Not to Have Too Many “Fresh Starts” 

While fresh start framing can be super helpful and give us the extra oomph we need to make a big and positive change, we need to be careful that we aren’t “starting a new diet” every morning, or “reconciling after a week of fighting” every Monday.  That’s the dark side of the Fresh Start Effect; it can give us a repeating sense of false hope. The key is to use fresh starts selectively and not too frequently. And most importantly, to finish what you started.

Brad Stulberg is a Population Health consultant for a large integrated health care system, specializing in behavior change. His portfolio of work includes exploring innovative ways to keep people healthy. He moonlights as an endurance athlete. Follow him on Twitter @Bstulberg

8 Exercise Swaps for Common Injuries

Pain Erasers
Eight exercise swaps for common injuries.
injury prevention workout

Bruises, sprains, strains, and other incidents are commonplace in an active lifestyle. And although injury often results in decreased range of motion among other physical limitations, you can still perform certain corrective and strengthening exercises to rehabilitate your muscles.

If you have lingering aches and pains or simply can't do compound barbell movements, swap in these eight exercises to build strength and return to full function.


Aside from a previous injury, knee pain can be caused by improper squat form. If you’re not injured but squatting hurts your knees, keep your weight on your heels, torso upright, and maintain your posture. Your feet should be hip-width apart and pointed slightly outward. As you descend, push your butt back as if you were going to sit back on a chair and aim to squat below parallel. If you’re experiencing knee pain from an injury and squats are out of the equation, try these four lower body moves.


1. Kettlebell Swing
Because this is a hinge and not a squat, you will save your knees while working the rest of your body to exhaustion. When swinging a kettlebell, remember to keep a flat back and brace your abs. The swing targets all muscles in the posterior chain, glutes, adductors, hamstrings and core.

2. Stability Ball Lying Leg Curl
Lie on floor with heels on top of a stability ball and legs extended. Raise your hips off the ground, trying to keep your hips raised up during the entire exercise. Flex knees and pull the ball as close to your glutes as possible. Hold the ball here for 2-3 seconds. As you get stronger, you can progress to a one leg lying leg curl. This will strengthen your hamstrings, while avoiding impact on your knees.

3. Romanian Deadlift
Hold a bar about shoulder width grip at your hips. Flex knees slightly and bend at the hips to push butt out and lower your torso. Reverse the motion to assume starting position. Your back should stay flat as the bar descends down your legs. Keep bar as close to body as possible throughout the movement.

4. Mini Band Abduction or Sidestep
Weak hips can manifest as knee pain. The mini band abduction exercise will increase hip strength and stability, which will help alleviate the knee pain. Place the band below your knees with your body standing in an athletic stance, knees slightly bent, chest up, and take a big side step with your right foot. Move your left foot towards our right foot but never bring them together; you want to always maintaining tension on the mini band. Perform three sets of 10 yards in each direction. 


Sports Injuries: The 8 Most Common Injuries Among Athletes >>>



The shoulder joint is very mobile and allows for movement in multiple planes of motion. This mobility also makes it more susceptible to injuries such as impingement or rotator cuff tears. Muscle imbalances between the external/internal rotators and upper/lower trapezius, poor posture, improper exercise form and overuse can lead to impingement, which is a ”pinching” of shoulder muscles that can cause pain.

If you already have a shoulder injury, avoid pressing overhead and focus on strengthening the rotator cuffs and scapula. Swap in these four shoulder strengthening moves to avoid future pain.


1. Rear Deltoid Raise
Lean on your side against a stability ball with your legs extended out and hold a dumbbell in one hand with an overhand grip. With arm extended straight out, raise your arm across your body until it passes the shoulder joint. Slowly lower the dumbbell back in a controlled manner. Use a light dumbbell. Keep  reps at 10-12 per arm. If you don’t have a stability ball, lie down prone on a bench and perform this exercise with both arms simultaneously.

2. External Rotations
Lie on your left side on a bench or on the floor with a dumbbell in your right hand in an overhand grip. The dumbbell should be touching the bench or floor with your right forearm across your stomach. Lift the weight by rotating your shoulder outward while keeping your arm against the side of your body. Continue to lift your arm until it’s perpendicular to the floor. Keep reps at 10-12 per set and rest 60-90 seconds between sets. Repeat for 2-3 sets.

3. The Turkish Get Up
Lie on your back on the floor holding a kettlebell with your right hand over chest. Bend right knee and place foot on floor. Raise yourself off of the floor using your left hand as a post to come up to a standing position. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. When you do the move with the bell in the left hand, bend the left knee. Add this movement to your shoulder routine, performing 3-5 reps on each arm.

4. Shoulder Scaption
This corrective exercise targets your stabilizers around your shoulder blades. Hold a pair of light dumbbells by your sides with your thumbs pointing up. Start the exercise by raising your arms out in front of you, about 30 degrees off the center, not directly in front of your chest. Continue until your arms are parallel to the ground and then return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.

10 At-Home Workouts to Build Muscle in Under 20 Minutes >>>

18 Easy Paleo Diet Recipes

Cooking Paleo
High-protein breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes.

GEAR WATCH: Inov-8 Launches Redesigned F-Lite 235

Gear Watch
Inov-8 gives its lifting shoe an upgrade.
Inov-8 235

Inov-8 launched its new minimalist training shoe, the latest in the F-lite series, this month. So, what’s different about the new training shoe? Everything.

The originators of the F-lite series started as mountain racing flats and trail running shoes but the new F-lite 235 is built specifically for functional fitness and the type of exercises you’ll see in any CrossFit box. Inov-8 is calling this a complete overhaul. Inov-8's F-lite 235, "designed to annihilate WODs," promises to be lighter, more flexible, and more durable.

The F-lite 240 was updated to the 230 that focused on providing more durability to protect against damage from rope climbs. The upper and outsole are both redesigned to provide more durability, but the shoe is also lighter, at 235 grams. (For comparison, the Reebok Nano 4.0 weighs 286 grams.) It also offers more durability in the toe to guard the shoe against burpees. The new shoe also added a pressure vent in the forefoot to improve the fit, a cushioned forefoot for running and jumping rope, and a 40% denser heel to ensure stability for lifting.

The F-lite 235 is available now at zappos.com and Rogue Fitness and will be available at Dick’s Sporting Goods starting in November.

Interview With "Big Bang Theory" Star Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting

Kaley Cuoco Throwback Thursday Gallery

Having More Than 20 Sexual Partners Reduces Your Risk of Prostate Cancer

The Magic Number
Twenty or more sexual partners reduces cancer risk.

Those notches on your bedpost, or belt, or whatever you use to tally your sexual escapades will do more than earn you a high five from your guy friends and eye rolls from the ladies. Men who have slept with more than 20 women reduce their risk of prostate cancer by 28 percent, and their risk of growing aggressive tumors by 19 percent, according to research published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology.

The bottom line, or the silver lining (depending on how you look at it) is the number of female partners you take to bed. The matter at hand is such that you can’t just hole up in your room feverishly masturbating in an effort to ward off cancer. A high frequency of sex with one partner won’t do the trick, either.

Researchers believe that regular, frequent intercourse flushes out cancer-causing chemicals—the bulk of which is found in semen—from the prostate. A high number of sexual partners also results in a higher frequency of ejaculations, which reduce calcifications in the prostate.

What are you waiting for? Get busy.

The Top 10 Questions Men Ask About Sex >>>

The Ultimate Warmup for Lifting Heavy

Prime Time Muscle
Use this workout before you lift big weight.

Warming up and stretching aren’t the same thing. A warmup increases the temperature within the muscles you’re using and can contain static/dynamic stretching. This increase in core temperature makes muscles more pliable, increases range of motion around joints and leads to better performance in explosive movements.

Recent research suggests that dynamic stretching improves sprinting and jumping while static stretching can hinder these activities. Although the effects of stretching and warming on lifting performance warrants further research, doing a warmup will increase range of motion which in turn improves flexibility. Lifting heavy loads with stiff, inflexible muscles increase risk of injuries like sprains and strains.

To lift heavy weights, break records, and add slabs of muscle to your frame, you’ll need a great warmup to unlock your full potential before every workout. We don’t mean a 5-minute treadmill jog and some toe-touches followed by a 300-pound deadlift. This comprehensive warmup will get your heart pumping and muscles ready to grow fast.

Prepare for lifting big weights explosively with this full body heart pumping warmup routine.


9 Things Any Ripped Guy Can Teach You >>>


1) Foam Roll
Spend a few minutes rolling your calves, quads, groin, IT band, glutes, upper back, and lats.

2) Child’s Pose Breathing
Duration: 8 breaths
Get into a child’s pose and round the entire length of your spine. When you inhale, breathe through your nose, expand your diaphragm, and focus on pushing your belly into your thighs. Exhale every last ounce of air from your lungs, hold for one second, and then inhale.

3) Hip Flexor Stretch
30 seconds (each side)
Get on one knee with your feet inline and place your rear foot on top of a bench behind you. Squeeze the glute of your rear leg, push your hips forward, and feel a deep stretch through the front of your hips and quads. Switch sides. You can also do this on the floor.

4) Hip Bridge
Reps: 10
Lie on your back and bend your knees about 90-degrees. Squeeze your glutes, drive through your heels, and lift your hips. Avoid using your hamstrings or lower back. Keep heels on floor the entire time.

5) Wall Slides
Reps: 10
Stand with your head, shoulders, and glutes against a wall. Press your forearms flush against the wall. (There should be no space between your skin and the wall). Squeeze your glutes and press your lower back against the wall while sliding your forearms up and down the wall.

6) Wall Ankle Mobilization
Reps: 10
Stand facing a wall with one foot a few inches away from the wall. Keep your heel on the ground and drive your knee over your middle three toes and touch the wall. Adjust the distance your foot is from the wall so that you get a good stretch in your ankles, avoid lifting your heel, and still touch the wall with your knee.

7) Spiderman Lunge With Overhead Reach
With your left leg, lunge forward and left about 30-degrees. Place both hands on the ground while keeping your elbows locked and press your trailing knee to the ground. Squeeze the glute of the rear leg and extend your right arm straight overhead towards the ceiling while watching your hand with your eyes. Maintain a neutral arch in your lower back throughout. Stand up and switch sides.
Reps: 6 (each side)

8) Bear Crawl
Distance: 15 yards
Get on all fours with your hands under shoulders and your knees under your hips; keep your knees an inch above the ground. Crawl forward by taking a small step with your right arm and left leg at the same time and alternate. Keep your hips low and your head up.

9) Turkish Get Up
Reps: 3 (each side)
Lie on the ground with right knee bent, right foot flat on the floor, right arm holding a weight above you, and left arm and left leg at your side. Drive through right foot and straighten left arm, using it as a post to drive hips straight up. Pull left leg underneath and behind body, move torso straight up, then lunge to a stand. Reverse the sequence to descend. Do all your reps on one side. Repeat on other side. Keep chest up and watch the weight the entire time.

8 Exercise Swaps for Common Injuries >>>

Style Spot: Interview with Santino LoConte of iconic sneaker brand PONY

Style Spot: PONY
NYC’s favorite sneaker brand is back.

New York City’s favorite sneaker brand is back, and hitting the ground running with a deep and varied collection of throwback kicks. Not only are they back in the mix with a fresh take on their classic styles, PONY (which, in case you didn’t know, stands for Product Of New York) is striking up high-profile collabs that will appeal to fashionistas and sneakerheads alike, from a DKNY exclusive to a premium wool upgrade on their iconic M110 style with NYC sneaker store Atmos. To learn more, I sat down with PONY’s Santino LoConte. Because, if you’re wearing sweatpants to work, you’re obviously doing something right.

Style Spot shot on location at the Monarch Room in New York City.

4 Ideal Food And Booze Pairings for Fall

Nigel Cox
Winning Pairs
Four ideal food and booze pairings for fall.

The "I Just Got Dumped" Workout

Just Get Dumped?
Suck it up, chief. This will help.

Maybe you liked her more than she liked you, or your lives were going in separate directions. Maybe you thought she was The One. Or maybe you just got in a fight because she wants to wear a skanky Halloween costume.

Regardless, binge-watching TV shows and eating junk food at home in an ongoing depressed stupor never seemed so appealing. But resist the urge – it’s time to exhibit some willpower. Do whatever you can do get the ball rolling on your recovery – stop following her on Instagram, defriend her on Facebook, get rid of silly sentimental items or photos. And definitely, do not, by any means, act like the two of you can immediately scale it back to friend status. You need to focus on moving on and what’s important in your life – friends, family, work. And, you know, man-stuff. And of course, using your pent-up frustration in your upcoming workouts is a must – something that will provide relief and release some much-needed endorphins throughout your body. Also, even though you’re probably not ready to play the field again, you’re an available man now. You’ll want to look and feel good by the time you get back out there.

10 Signs She's Not Worth Your Time >>>

10 Things She's Secretly Thinking About Your Penis >>>

10 Signs You're Bad in Bed and Don't Even Know It >>>


Complete 4 days per week (on, off, on-off). Add 2 sets to each exercise each week you still feel sorry for yourself.

1A. Dumbbell Chest Press x 8-10 reps
1B. Dumbbell Chest Flye x 12-15 reps

3 sets. 30 seconds rest

2A. Dumbbell Deadlift x 8-10 reps
2B. Pullups x failure

3 sets. 30 seconds rest

3A. Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 8-10 reps
3B. Dumbbell Lateral Raise x 12-15 reps

3 sets. 30 seconds rest

4A. Cable Curl x 8-10 reps
4B. Cable Tricep Pushdown x 8-10 reps

3 sets. 30 seconds rest

5. Hanging Leg Raise x failure

3 sets. 30 seconds rest.

6. Body-Weight Squats x 25 reps

4 sets. 30 seconds rest.

Seven Green Drinks You’d Have to Be an Idiot to Imbibe

Seven smoothies and juices we’re scared to sip.
Franken Frappuccino

New Subscribers to Get WWE Network Free for November

Free WWE
Get free subscriber access for the month of November.
Vince McMahon WWE

As the calendar rolls into November, WWE fans have even more reason to be thankful. The company is offering new subscribers access to the WWE Network free for the month of November, as well as a simplified new price plan that will enable subscribers to pay a $9.99 monthly fee with with no further commitment, and the ability to cancel at any time they please.

The network features a virtual anthology of all things sports entertainment, from legends from Hulk Hogan to Bret “The Hitman” Hart to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, to present day superstars such as John Cena and Randy Orton. In addition to access to a video-on-demand library featuring all WWE, WCW, and ECW pay-per-views, the network features exclusive programming such as original series, reality shows and documentaries.

Grantland’s Bill Simmons said the network provides so much value, he feels like he’s “stealing money from Vince McMahon,” while Yahoo! Sports said that “all signs point to WWE having a championship product on their hands. In terms of value, USA Today called the network “a no-brainer for even casual viewers from a consumer standpoint.”

WWE Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer Michelle Wilson said the organization is “excited to offer” subscribers the special “to experience all of our live programming, explore thousands of hours of video-on-demand content, and watch Survivor Series, one of our most popular events."

Wilson said that “research, combined with best practices in digital subscription businesses, affirms our belief that a simple, single price plan will help us continue to grow WWE Network’s subscriber base.” For more details, check out WWE.com. Survivor Series airs Sunday, Nov. 23 on WWE Network.

Check out this message about the offer from WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon:

The Five Fittest Hollywood Monsters

Hollywood Monsters
How big and small screen stars got in scary shape.
Lucas Evans

Nutrition Q&A: Should I Eat the Same Amount on Off Days as Training Days?

Nutrition Q&A
Should you eat the same amount on off days?
post workout nutrition

Q: Should I eat the same amount on off days as I do on training days?

A: Yes. Muscle protein synthesis continues for a day or so after your last lifting session, so we want to supply the body with enough nutrition that it can recover fast. You don’t need to employ any kind of carb or calorie cycling for the workouts in The Truth About Strength Training.

Eating approximately the same amount of healthy food daily is enough, and doing it daily establishes the habit of eating a clean diet and hitting your macros, and it keeps the diet less complicated.

For more nutrition tips, and a 12-week workout and diet plan by Men’s Fitness training director Sean Hyson, go to truthaboutstrengthtraining.com

Three Fitness Trends You Can Ignore >>>


Q&A: Nik Wallenda

Height Training
A Q&A with Nik Wallenda, who will walk between skyscrapers Sunday.

What we’ll see on Sunday night is a man precariously swaying – unsupported – on a thin steel wire, 500 feet above the Chicago River. We’ll think it’s crazy. That It’s perfect TV. Just enough danger for us to feel a little fear until he safely steps onto the ledge on the other side.

Nik Wallenda, of the famous wire-walking family, the Flying Wallendas, will think it’s just pretty routine. He has to. If his mind spirals into that natural human mode – the one that tells him this is much too high to take a stroll without anything solid for support – he could make a mistake. 

So how do you make a 50-stories-high balancing act in windy conditions routine? Men’s Fitness spoke with Wallenda, ahead of his wire-walking stunt, which will air live this Sunday on Discovery at 7 p.m. ET, about his training regimen and the physical demands required to walk on a wire.

The Ultimate Mud Run Training Plan >>>

Men’s Fitness: What type of shape do you have to be in to walk on a wire? What muscles are you working?

Nik Wallenda: It's very much legs and very much core for sure. And it’s actually forearm strength as well. I do cardio training. I do weightlifting. A lot of my training is done on the wire. The balancing pole I use weighs about 45 pounds, so basically I’m curling 45 pounds that entire time I’m on the wire. Often times I have to do lifts up and down because that pole is moving both directions. Part of wire walking is keeping your core extremely tight, just using your arms and your legs to move.

MF: Are there any specialized exercises you do geared specifically toward wire walking?

NW: Because I'm walking up a 15-degree incline in Chicago, and it’s the first time I've ever done an incline like that, I've been training on a treadmill with two 35-pound dumbbells. I put one in each hand and walk up a 15-degree incline. I also spend three to four hours a day on the wire as well.

MF: A 15-degree incline is pretty steep, especially on a thin metal wire. What did your body feel like the first time you practiced the walk?

NW: It's very draining for sure. What I have found, which is interesting, is it changes the way I balance. Those muscles are trying to learn something new again, which is why when I work out I do muscle confusion. 

MF: Do you train your mind at all? What mental state do you need to be in to finish such a dangerous stunt safely?

NW: I try to keep my mind off of it because our minds tend to be the negative part. I know I have the physical ability. I've simulated the identical walk with same degree and same length. I've done it about 80 times in practice. I know I have the ability. In Chicago I will be doing the same thing, just a little bit higher. It's about not letting my mind try to confuse or to tell me I can't do it.

The Ultimate Core Workout >>>

MF: So how do you make a walk like this feel routine?

NW: It’s about making myself as confident as possible. The more I do it, the more I'm prepared. I've done it with different wind speeds. I think the highest they got here naturally were about 35 miles per hour. My family in the past didn’t do that. They would just get on the wire and walk. I try to prepare way more than they ever did in the past because we have lost family members before. So just like any athlete, I spend a lot of time at my craft.

MF: Let’s say something does happen during the walk on Sunday and you slip and have to grab hold of the wire. Do you train to be able to hold your weight?

NW: I do. Absolutely. I train to hold that wire for about 20 minutes. That is my safety zone. I've got rescue teams that can rescue me within 90 seconds or so but I train to hold on for 20 minutes. That is definitely a big part of my training. That's where a lot of the physical training is, for strength. I have to train to hang under the wire and pull my body back up and over and get back on.

VIDEO: 14-Minute Body-Weight Workout

Nate Millado
14-Minute Workout
Bang out this body-weight routine in no time.

Warm-Up x 2 Rounds
Jumping Jacks x 20
Squats x 15
Pushups x 10
Walk-Outs x 5
High Knees x 30 secs

Circuit 1 (4 mins)
Burpees x 20 secs
Squat Holds x 10 secs
Pushups x 20 secs
Squat Holds x 10 secs
*Repeat without rest for 4 mins
**Rest 60 secs, then start next circuit:

Circuit 2 (4 mins)
Jump Squats x 20 secs
Plank x 40 secs
Jumping Split Squats x 40 secs
Mountain Climbers x 20 secs
*Repeat without rest for 4 mins

Video edit: Nate Millado

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