"I find square faces so attractive. For me, a strong jaw line plus a good chin is more than enough."
"Lean and athletic."
"I love a man with some stubble. I think it is so sexy."
"False. The gym is a place to exercise. No one wants to make date plans for Friday night in the middle of their 30-minute cardio workout."
"No one is perfect. A relationship dealbreaker for me has to be selfishness. The whole point of a relationship is to share your life with your partner which is more than just sharing possessions, but sharing time, feelings and thoughts."
"Tries to compensate for lack of affection with gifts, excessive compliments and being too nice without a reason. I think it is a major sign of weakness and insecurity."
"A guy has to bring his sense of humor to the surface. If you can make a girl laugh, any good girl will look beyond your looks."
"My parents actually know me better than I know myself. Even if I try to keep something from them the truth always comes out."
"He puts working out before his family, friends and, most of all, his girl!"