When you're beating back pain during your next big race, keep in mind that popping a pill may do more harm than good.
When you're beating back pain during your next big race, keep in mind that popping a pill may do more harm than good.
Good news if you're the type to refuel with a beer or two post-workout: A new study published in Alcoholism: Clinical &a
Not lucky enough to live walking distance from your favorite watering hole? Your so-called “safe ride home” could become the most dangerous part of your night out.
Buying the perfect pair of headphones—or at least one that fits your lifestyle—seems like it should be a real no brainer.
For those of us who can’t afford a personal assistant, the smartphone has evolved as the next best thing.
You worked through lunch and rushed out of the office to make it to your doctor’s appointment on time only to spend 45 minutes sitting in a waiting room full of out-of-date magazines.
Social media has given us a more revealing look into the personal lives of our favorite athletes and celebrities.
Remember the fateful day that your parents tried to friend you on Facebook?
If you ever made fun of the taller girls in middle school (remember the “beanstalk” and “skyscraper” wisecracks?) the joke’s on you now.
Staying out all hours and making do on a few winks of sleep might not just make you look rough in the morning—it could actually cause you
Cost: Annual Membership ($85), Monthly Membership ($20), 24-Hour Pass ($6), 3-Day Pass ($12); thehubway.com
(Disclaimer: We don't actually have any idea how—or if—Snowden worked out during his stay at the Russian transit hub. But we're pretty sure it was exactly like this.)
In business, first impressions are just about everything. Bill Rancic certainly made one on billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump, who hired him to be his first Apprentice.