A great physique can be yours without spending hours in the gym. Want proof?
A great physique can be yours without spending hours in the gym. Want proof?
Admire those ridiculously ripped guys from The Expendables?
CrossFit’s competition season culminates this week with the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games, which take over the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA from July 22–28.
Can’t make it to the shore this summer? You can still get an authentic taste of seaside fun by hosting your own clambake, one of New England’s most popular traditions.
Since most athletes don’t have to worry about looking appropriate for the office, they get to rock the funkiest hairdos.
Filling out an online dating profile can be a pretty arduous task.
A couple years ago I went on an epic trip. I was filming for my TV show, and I let it all out: I ate everything, drank too much, and partied too late.
Whether you’re running, bike riding, or just getting your #sundayfunday on at the beach, you probably want to spend as much of your summer outdoors as possible.
Unless you’re heading to the beach or hitting the trail for a half-day hike, sunscreen’s probably not a part of your morning routine.
If you’re celebrating National Running Day with a jog this evening, don’t leave home without your significant other.
In theory, resistance training is supposed to strengthen your bones.
Sure, ordering a sandwich or burger sans cheese helps you save on fat, but it turns out that ched
It’s plain and simple. Men want to know what women want.
Your yoga practice may be doing more for your body than combatting work stress and giving your muscles a good stretch between strength workouts.